Gillian W.
Jan 4, 2025
My appointment was not on the system. The sales person did not know how to do the application. Had to have motobility on the phone as they were telling me to come back another time after I made what was for me a difficult journey. We eventually got through the application. They were then unable to order the car and I had to call motobility again. I was there for 4 hours and so unwell afterwards. The salesperson was tossing her head showing frustration because she was having difficulty being her first time and had to keep going to her manager for assistance. I emailed the next day, no response. I telephoned to find out if they had figured out how to order the car and they had not. When I said that maybe it would be better to cancel and I go to another Mercedes showroom, I received a call saying that they had figured it out and the order had been made. I am not convinced but will follow-up should I not receive the automated confirmation. I was told that this is the first Smart car they had ordered. I did not like the chasing up needed by me and being felt that I was the problem due to the time it took as she missed a couple of sales. It was not my fault and I stated re appointment that it was for a Smart car on motobility. It was a very difficult process and extremely tiring. As mentioned, I do not feel confident that the order has been places as they could not give me a time frame. They also had difficulty knowing what to do on the system re requesting the adaptations. At times I was sitting for 20-30 mins not knowing what was happening. Training is required and may be a lot smoother, less frustrating for the salesperson, and a more pleasant experience for the person in need. I hope that they will learn from my experience. I was told that jad the order been for another Mercedes car there would not be an issue ordering the car. The problem was jot only with the car order but the motobility application and selecting the adaptation company. I had to suggest calling the closer one to the showroom and checking. She was apologising to the man from the adaptation company on the phone for the time it was taking. He prompted her to check if I could lift the charging lead and I had to go to a car to check. It was based on viewing this car at another showroom almost a year ago that I had prior knowledge of it, but had never lifted the lead. I was not shown the car or guided through its functions by a salesperson at this showroom